Harbourside Health Centre

St David’s Medical Centre


Overcoming Depression- Flexible Thinking

https://www.facebook.com/102962935118322/posts/319761033438510/?d=n People with depression are often locked into negative thinking patterns, but pushing them to “think positively” isn’t likely to help. There’s a better approach. KEY POINTS Compared to other … [continue] Overcoming Depression- Flexible Thinking

Shout Out For Mental Health- Help 24/7

Want to help me to raise money for mental health support? HHC team walking 10,000 steps a day in February for Shout 85258 – the UK’s only free, confidential 24/7 … [continue] Shout Out For Mental Health- Help 24/7

Flu Complications & Protection

Flu Campaign picture of Drs & Nurses at Harbourside

It is the complications of #flu that are dangerous. The most common complication is a bacterial chest infection, which can develop into pneumonia. Other complications include: Middle ear infection (otitis … [continue] Flu Complications & Protection

General Practice Activity- Support Your Surgery

One million consultations every day in General Practice. Thank you to all of you  who have understood, waited patiently, been kind. It’s difficult but we’re in it together. We are trying … [continue] General Practice Activity- Support Your Surgery

Vaccination Campaign – Flu & Covid

Spring Booster-438731-phw-spring-booster-24-social-copy-v1 NewPatients – Call or Walk_in if you normally have FluJab We can accommodate disability & mobility issues If you are housebound due to physical disabilities or illness, please contact … [continue] Vaccination Campaign – Flu & Covid