Wellbeing for work
Keeping you well at work
Prolonged stress or anxiety can leave us less able to cope with pressure and demands at work, affect our relationships with colleagues, and impact our decision-making. Mental health problems can also result in physical symptoms, such as headaches or back pain. Sickness absence can quickly take its toll, with financial worries often adding to health issues.
The In Work Support Service offers free and rapid access to confidential support and therapies including counselling, CBT and physiotherapy, to help you get back up and running. Our professional, one-to-one support can help you manage stress and build resilience, reduce anxiety, improve your physical health and make positive changes at work.
Clients can be employed or self-employed Referral can be done by client, GP or employer RCS provide rapid access to therapeutic support
Physical Therapies
- Physiotherapy
- Acupuncture
- Osteopathy
- Sports Therapy
- Electrotherapy
- Massage Therapy
- Manual Therapy
- Chiropractic
Psychological Therapies
- Counselling
- Mindfulness
- NLP Solution Focused Therapy
- Assimilative Integrated Therapy
- Trauma Informed Therapy
- Psychodynamic / Psychotherapy
- Grief Counselling
- Clinical Psychology
- Occupational Therapy